Sunday, May 17, 2009

Narita's helpful health inspectors

Japan is taking extraordinary measures to control the spread of Swine Flu. I got on my flight in JFK and was handed a form to complete. It included questions about flu symptoms and where to find you in Japan.

Not wanting to have an extended quarantine stay in Japan, I wanted to fill out the form correctly. But, it started with what seemed like a possible trick question:

"Please check any of the following symptoms for the past 10 days before arrival."

I did my best answering that one and moved on to the statement:

"the question mentioned above is a thing to protect you and a family".

I'm not sure who the family is that I was protecting in Japan, but I imagine that they are grateful that I filled out the form.

I was feeling like I had the form under control until I turned the page and read:

"If an address in Japan is the same as an address of the state of health question vote entirely. It is not necessary for you to write the follows."

I have to admit I was paralyzed. So, I just signed the bottom and hoped for the best.

When we landed, the inspectors came on board. They were wearing, blue hospital gowns, blue hair nets, goggles, masks, and long blue gloves that were taped at the wrist. They had a camera that could tell if anyone had a fever. They came to each person, checked us, and took our forms. When we passed, we received a yellow form and a mask to wear inside the terminal (see above). I'm glad no-one was coughing on our flight.

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